RR Ship Intelligence at YardMate Meetup

By Annika Perho 08 Jun 2018

YardMate member network had a great meetup before our summer break. Karno Tenovuo, Senior Vice President Ship Intelligence at Rolls Royce was our keynote speaker.

He shared with us the Rolls Royce vision and the autonomous ships’ planning horizon reaching 2025. He also talked about the technology disruption and how the whole character of maritime industry is changing.

Our CEO Kari Härkönen gave an update on YardMate’s latest, showed the Finnish marine industry in numbers and told us about YardMate frame agreement with the Polish maritime cluster. The members presented their company offering, new interesting member companies were present, and there was lively discussion, to which also Karno participated.

Our next member meetup will be in August. Meanwhile, a lot of business and of course, relaxation.

Photos by YardMate